To get going again

There are times, when our writing needs to take the back seat - too much teaching, fieldwork, grading, personal trouble and challenges. And while I have managed to keep writing in bursts, I feel that it is again the time of the year where I can and should get going again with catching up with my routines. 
Last week, I had a writing retreat, where my focus was very much on another application writing. But this time, the agreement with myself (and my head of department) is that it was last one for a while. Meaning that I will not write another application in the near future. Perhaps not one in this year, perhaps not one for at least 6 months. We'll see how far I come with overcoming my aversion.
Writing applications is hard as it is not necessarily under your control, with all the effort you put in, there is no telling as to what are you getting out of the process. But one can control the way one approaches the task. Does one approach it with dread, apprehension, and sense of defeat already at the get-go, or does one have energy to approach it with joy? This time, the joy has not always been there, but one can call joy. I can call joy with routines and peer-support. The writing I have gotten done because of pomodoro method - timer, 25 minutes, break to move your body in between, another 25 minutes. And the time flies and I am having fun. 
As writing is about having fun and gathering joy. 

Is summer really over?
The power of sharing

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